Holiday Greetings—A Special Time of Spirit

On behalf of the entire Take The Magic Step® team, I would like to send warmest holiday wishes to our readers everywhere, and to your family and friends. May your holidays be filled with peace, happiness, and fitness!
Holiday celebrations all over the world are fascinating and so different in their traditions, yet they all bring us together to designate the end of one year and to embrace the hopes and dreams of the next. Wherever you live we hope you might be pleased with what you have achieved in the past year, and that you will cherish the possibilities of the coming year.
In your busy lives, I hope you have time to join in a tradition to give extra meaning to your Holidays. Perhaps you will light a menorah every night of Hanukkah… , or follow the Victorian tradition of decorating a tree on Christmas Eve to enjoy in your living room for the 12 days of Christmas… or light the black, red and green candles of the traditional Kwanzaa Set with their African message of the human community and its future hope.
Here in New Zealand, it is summer, so we may not be having a white Christmas, but we are enjoying the beautiful pohutukawa (an evergreen tree), the New Zealanders call their Christmas tree, as is shows its glorious holiday dress: bright red blossom that glitter in the summer sun.
No matter what holidays you are celebrating, we hope you can enjoy “A Special Time of Spirit” together with the people you love and care for. We would like to add to your celebration a special Thank You to everyone who supported one of our charities this past year. We welcomed two wonderful new charities that we are honored to work with: SOS Outreach and Team Hoyt. The passionate people who are involved in these extremely caring groups inspired me once again, and they also gave me the idea for this special Holiday Thank You greeting for our Web site.
When reflecting on the past year we also would like to thank YOU for visiting our Web site and for your sharing comments and feedback, your interest, and your well thought out correspondences. We enjoyed reading the many questions you passed on to us about fitness, health and wellbeing. Your desire for more information to help you achieve your goals stimulates us to do the very best we can to provide you with the inspiration, the tools and the knowledge to help you on your journey.

Now that the Holidays have arrived, it is a great time to use your additional free time to stay active and better enjoy your Holidays wherever you are. It’s the time of year to be outside, maybe taking relaxing walks around the neighborhood and allowing the crisp winter air to freshen and energize the color of your skin. Snowboarding, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, or ice skating can be magic winter fun—of course nothing will top building a snow man with your friends and having a hot chocolate! We hope you can spend some well-deserved time with your family, and have a little time to treat yourself.
If you have some extra time you may take special care of yourself with a hot bath after your winter walk or with a nice massage. Our article “Hands-on Help: The Benefits of Sports Massage,” may give you additional reason to look for a local SPA and/or massage therapist.
Eat healthy during the holidays! Of course enjoy little treats, like chocolate, but also make healthy choices when it comes to food in general, maybe our new article about “Nutrition: Nuts and Seeds” can give you some ideas. Since you will probably consume more sweets and candies during the holidays, we suggest drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
We hope you have had a successful year of fitness, exercising, and training—a year of enduring and never giving up! Maybe we could support you with inspiration and information on our Web site to help you to come closer to your ultimate goal of wellbeing.
Heartfelt wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year!
Keep running! Yours in fitness and health,
- Posted December 23, 2008
© Copyright 2008-2024 by Uta Pippig. All Rights Reserved.
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