
KIMbia Athletics
The word “kimbia,” which means “to run” in Swahili, is also the name of the athlete management company founded in 2004 to coach and support international runners, especially those from Kenya who are now recognized as some of the finest in the world. In 2005 and over the next years, Take The Magic Step has supported KIMbia’s charity project in Kenya to provide education for local school children.KIMbia coach Dieter Hogen is also Take The Magic Step’s nutritional advisor and was Uta’s running coach during the years she was one of the world’s fastest marathoners. When the Kenyan hopefuls come to the United States to train with him in Colorado, Uta personally guides them through yoga sessions and provides them with the valuable insights she gained during her professional running career.

MIT AgeLab
As best summarized on their Web site, MIT AgeLab is a joint effort between the university, industry, and the aging community to develop “new ideas to improve the quality of life for older adults and those who care for them.” In 2005, founding director Joseph F. Coughlin, Ph.D., invited Take The Magic Step’s founder, Uta Pippig, and business consultant, Michael Reger, to join their advisory board. And we have greatly enjoyed the opportunity to share our philosophies and experiences to contribute to AgeLab’s efforts to “invent new ideas and creatively translate technologies into practical solutions that improve people’s health.”